What is a human being that does not hurt?
I am extremely hard-hearted about people without a heart and all heart for people who are soft and sweet. :-)
This is not my interpretation about myself but what everybody says about me and I think this is more or less true. Whether right or wrong, I am terrible with people I dislike and I am quite nice with people I find genuine.
I am a reasonably good judge of character but I have made mistakes. The first was in college, when a friend sweet-talked me to penetrate my highly popular group (we were rowdy as hell, never mind my serious bespectacled demeanour)
I realised a day before our class 'social' I had singlehandedly pulled off that she was just so jealous of me. Just as you see in the movies, I was wounded before my big day.
My mum saw my face. She quietly came to me, patted my back, and said, "what's wrong?" I said I never expected this girl to stab me in the back like this. It hurts.
Mum heard me out and calmly said, "It's terrible but you are much bigger than this. Don't let her affect you." There was nothing extraordinary in her words but she was extraordinary. Her energy and power of emotional empathy soothed me so much I instantly felt better and stronger.
On the day of the social, the hurt was there, my eyes welled with tears and for the first time, my friends saw that I too was vulnerable. They rallied around me, and the next thing I knew, I had simply blotted her out of my life. Just like that.
She was around that day, but she had stopped existing for me. And the social went off beautifully. I was compering, performing and coordinating but I didnt remember her a single second and my event was a runaway hit, the talk of all college.
Wily nily, this has become standard strategy ever since. Each time somebody misbehaves, or hurts me, I wipe that person out of my consciousness. It's often interpreted as arrogance but I seriously don't see the person at all for me to think about him or her.
Once, one of these riff-raffs got antsy and demanded,"Why are you behaving like a royal highness, and pretending I dont exist?" And I didnt know what to say to her because I never really went out of my way to ignore her. It happens by default.
Some part of me decides that I shouldnt be wasting time on this worthless person, or it tells me, "He/she doesnt value you." So off he/she goes.
The only time I kicked serious ass was last year, when someone spread some utterly laughable rumours about me. Well-meaning friends saw through it and told me. Ill-meaning friends latched on and spread the word.
I was shocked and hurt that someone could be so malicious but lost no time in hitting back. Usually, I dont hit back because, as I said, to me, such people are beneath contempt and once I blot them out of my life, there is no question of wasting my energy on a non-entity. But this time, I just felt like doing it. So attack I did and the person smarted under it forever, not expecting a non-violent person like to me to get ferocious.
Sometimes, these guys spice up your life.
People get hurt all the time. When some of them confide in me, I tell them to ask themselves one question: "Have my parents brought me up with so much love and care so that I spend some precious moments of my life agonising over this person who means nothing to me?" And pop goes the anguish. Yes, some of it stays but then this gives you tremendous courage to cope.
Try it and tell me.
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