Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jaipur, Bengalooru, and now Ahmedabad. Next destination/s: ________.

And what does union home minister Shivraj Patil, second to PM in internal security matters, say immediately after those sickening explosions in Ahmedabad? "I dont want to say that someone is to blame, or that someone should have done something. That's not what I want to say. I wont say it's because someone didnt do their job. There is no point going into all that. We dont want to say such things..." and so on like an idiot for five minutes on TV. Honest. The evidence is on your TV screens.

Here is a man who knows how to pad up big-time.
1. I dont understand how anyone can be so sick as to take THIS opportunity to jump at a rival's throat.
2. I dont understand how a responsible office-bearer can actually play political games first thing without first making a sympathetic statement for the victims, at least for the record.
3. I dont understand how he takes so long and so many words to say "Look, BJP is responsible."
4. I dont understand how we vote for such yucky, sticky, dirty people.

We have not just a cold-blooded, unfeeling government at the helm of affairs at the Centre, we have brazen and reckless thugs who have the gall to push their political agenda upfront in your face even while you are mourning the dead.

Not only their ministers, Congress henchmen --known as spokesmen-- such as one Rajiv Sponge were all over TV channels in a flash, almost grabbing the question like a footballer to start shooting obscenities at the BJP. They did the same thing Kargil-time. They kept ranting about how the Vajpayee government was sleeping all through and not doing enough. And when we won that war, they glumly shrugged, but we should have not allowed that to happen in the first place.

Considering the Congress never makes any mistakes-- remember all the blasts in Jammu and Kashmir for the last four decades, Mumbai in 1993 and thereafter, every year, Delhi, and wherever else -- its first reaction to a blast is to check out the government in place. If it's the BJP, the Congis slap on some make-up cake(ya, they actually look like they will peel any time) and present themselves post-haste at the ever-hungry TV studios like good boys at work to do momma's bidding.

(When 9/11 happened, the US Opposition didnt go gunning for Bush & Co. They united in grief, shared the anguish of the government and the people, and never talked about "intelligence failure." They knew this is not the occasion to strike. This point has been made by several intelligence officials, but alas, always in private, never in the press.)

I think it's disgusting that we vote for these scumbags. I hate talking about them because they are beneath contempt. And what's really unbelievable is that everybody else is seeing what I see and yet not seeing it. Am I the only one seeing them the way they are? Everyone else is voting them in. Do you?
Let's all get them out of the way. Vote Mayawati, vote Lallu, if you like, but not these Original

By the way, does anybody else also get the feeling the serial explosions have a political mastermind?

P.S. When Mumbai trains cracked up on July 11, 2006, BJP didnt jump to studios to scream blue murder at the Congress. It issued a dignified condemnation. Just ONE case in point. Should suffice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to draw your attention to the bias in English media (since you work for one) on such issues. The Islamist are given kid glove treatment while minor mishaps of Hindus are blown out of proportaion. The bigger tragedy is that most of the times the English MSM is run by people with Hindu names (Sardesai/Dutt/Roy/Dua ...) but hardly have anything to do with Hinduism / Hindus ...Probably they are legal hier to Nehru and Gandhi's pseudo-secularism & Dhimmitude. I thank God that English MSM has limited (in Indian population context) reach. Otherwise these self-serving Dhimmis would have influnced rest of the people in the way they have been influencing some of their readers/viewers. But the good sign is that Hindus are waking up - Look at how Gujaratis saw through the game of these bunch of psuedo-intellectuals and re-elected Modi. So lets hope that Hindus in rest of India also wake up to the increasing Islamofacisim & Xtian Missionary activity (who r using Maoist to further their cause) and see things the way they are rather than being sentimental fools and falling for the crap that the Sickular Media & like minded politicains are dolling out with regualr frequency. People like you who can see both sides of the issues and are level headed should play important part in ensuring that the news & views that are dished out to us give correct picture of the situation and in the process keep such Dhimmis/sickularist/Marxist/Anti-Hindus in check.