Monday, July 16, 2012

Here is an email I'd received some time ago. It is in circulation for a while. Though I havent confirmed its veracity, it's still interesting:

Meeting with H.N. Srinivas - Senior Executive Vice President, Taj Group of Hotels

Last evening, I had a dinner meeting with HNS in Goa (I was there for a National Institute of Personnel Management conference – as a speaker).

He narrated the 26th November 2008 terror attack on Taj Mumbai and there were some important points.

A. Terrorist entry

1. They entered from the Leopold Colaba hotel entrance and also from the northern entrance – spraying indiscriminate bullets on the Taj security personnel and guests in general.

2. Though Taj had a reasonable security – they were surely not equipped to deal with terrorists who were spraying 6 bullets per trigger.

3. The strategy of the terrorists was to throw chunks of RDX in an open area that will explode and burn – creating chaos so that the guests and staff run helter skelter so that the terrorists could kill them. The idea was to create maximum casualties.

4. There were several critical gatherings and functions happening in the hotel on that day – a Bohra wedding, global meet of Unilever CEOs and Board members and 2 other corporate meetings were being held in the hotel – besides the usual crowd.

5. The firing and chaos began at about 8.30 p.m. and the staff including employees on casual and contract basis displayed exemplary presence of mind, courage and sacrifice to protect the guests who were in various halls and conference rooms.

B. Stories of Staff Heroics

1. A young lady guest relation executive with the HLL gathering stopped any of the members going out and volunteered 3 times to go out and get stuff such as ice cubes for whiskey of the guests when the situation outside the hall was very explosives and she could have been easily the target of the bullets

2. Thomas George a captain escorted 54 guests from a backdoor staircase and when he was going down last he was shot by the terrorists

3. There were 500 emails from various guests narrating heroics of the staff and thanking them for saving their lives

4. In a subsequent function, Ratan Tata broke down in full public view and sobbed saying – “the company belongs to these people”. The wife of Thomas George who laid his life saving others said, she and the kids were proud of the man and that she did not know that for 25 years she lived with a man who was so courageous and brave

5. The episode happened on 26th November, a significant part of the hotel was burnt down and destroyed – the hotel was re-opened on 21st December and all the employees of the hotel were paraded in front of the guests

6. It was clearly a saga of extra-ordinary heroics by ordinary people for their organisation and in a way for their country. The sense of duty and service was unprecedented

7. The young lady who protected and looked after the HLL guests was a management trainee and we often speak of juniority and seniority in the organisation. She had no instructions from any supervisor to do what she did

a. She took just 3 minutes to rescue the entire team through the kitchen

b. Cars were organised outside the hotel as per seniority of the members

c. In the peak of the crisis, she stepped out and got the right wine glass for the guest

8. People who exhibited courage included janitors, waiters, directors, artisans and captains – all level of people

C. The Tata Gesture

1. All category of employees including those who had completed even 1 day as casuals were treated on duty during the time the hotel was closed

2. Relief and assistance to all those who were injured and killed

3. The relief and assistance was extended to all those who died at the railway station, surroundings including the “Pav-Bhaji” vendor and the pan shop owners

4. During the time the hotel was closed, the salaries were sent my money order

5. A psychiatric cell was established in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences to counsel those who needed such help

6. The thoughts and anxieties going on people’s mind was constantly tracked and where needed psychological help provided

7. Employee outreach centers were opened where all help, food, water, sanitation, first aid and counseling was provided. 1600 employees were covered by this facility

8. Every employee was assigned to one mentor and it was that person’s responsibility to act as a “single window” clearance for any help that the person required

9. Ratan Tata personally visited the families of all the 80 employees who in some manner – either through injury or getting killed – were affected.

10. The dependents of the employees were flown from outside Mumbai to Mumbai and taken care off in terms of ensuring mental assurance and peace. They were all accommodated in Hotel President for 3 weeks

11. Ratan Tata himself asked the families and dependents – as to what they wanted him to do.

12. In a record time of 20 days, a new trust was created by the Tatas for the purpose of relief of employees.

13. What is unique is that even the other people, the railway employees, the police staff, the pedestrians who had nothing to do with Tatas were covered by compensation. Each one of them was provided subsistence allowance of Rs. 10K per month for all these people for 6 months.

14. A 4 year old granddaughter of a vendor got 4 bullets in her and only one was removed in the Government hospital. She was taken to Bombay hospital and several lacs were spent by the Tatas on her to fully recover her

15. New hand carts were provided to several vendors who lost their carts

16. Tata will take responsibility of life education of 46 children of the victims of the terror

17. This was the most trying period in the life of the organisation. Senior managers including Ratan Tata were visiting funeral to funeral over the 3 days that were most horrible

18. The settlement for every deceased member ranged from Rs. 36 to 85 lacs in addition to the following benefits:

a. Full last salary for life for the family and dependents

b. Complete responsibility of education of children and dependents – anywhere in the world

c. Full Medical facility for the whole family and dependents for rest of their life

d. All loans and advances were waived off – irrespective of the amount

e. Counselor for life for each person

D. Epilogue

1. How was such passion created among the employees? How and why did they behave the way they did?

2. The organisation is clear that it is not something that someone can take credit for. It is not some training and development that created such behaviour. If someone suggests that – everyone laughs

3. It has to do with the DNA of the organisation, with the way Tata culture exists and above all with the situation that prevailed that time. The organisation has always been telling that customers and guests are #1 priority

4. The hotel business was started by Jamshedji Tata when he was insulted in one of the British hotels and not allowed to stay there.

5. He created several institutions which later became icons of progress, culture and modernity. IISc is one such institute. He was told by the rulers that time that he can acquire land for IISc to the extent he could fence the same. He could afford fencing only 400 acres.

6. When the HR function hesitatingly made a very rich proposal to Ratan – he said – do you think we are doing enough?

7. The whole approach was that the organisation would spend several hundred crore in re-building the property – why not spend equally on the employees who gave their life?

Minuted by Dileep Ranjekar

Monday, July 02, 2012

There is this little woebegone puppy who hovers around our garden all day. Let's call her UN, for under-nourished. She must be about four months old but looks half her age.  Her siblings are also street dogs, naturally, and are skinny, but have grown well. This girl has remained diminutive and has such a lost face that your heart goes out to her.
She is perpetually made fun of and harassed by her stronger siblings and her mother, far from protecting her, had not even fed her adequately. When UN was younger, her mother would freak at her sight and run away each time she approached her for a feed. UN has no friends and moves around reedy and miserable. To add to the pathos, she has a skin infection that looks like blisters on her slight, white frame. I suspect her eyes are a bit diseased too. They look padded and tiny, with strange spots around them.
 Yesterday, I was unlocking my door when I saw her rush out of the stairwell in fright. When I cooed to her, she cocked her ears and looked mournfully at me. Next thing, she ran a mile. She is scared of every movement around her and stays eternally poised in a flight response. Whenever I try to pay any attention to her, she freaks and tears off to safer territory.
And yes, she barks. You should hear her. She sounds like two rusting machines scratching each other. She screeches dutifully very morning when our milkman is dropping milk at the door. In her mind, that's an attempt at theft. But she barks with the full intention of running away at the first sight of the milkman turning in her direction.
Her alleged barks are her tribute to the canine quality of loyalty. If she isnt unfaithful to her creed, she knows guarding the nearest block comes with the territory.
Many times, I wonder if I should take her in. The first stumbling block is how to, when she flees at sight. The second is who will look after her all day, especially toilet-train her. I have no time nor the inclination, all my compassion notwithstanding.
And then, I think of her fate. Right from birth, UN has faced discrimination and rejection. All for no fault of hers. She was given a fragile body that doesnt grow or protect her; a mother who shunned her; siblings who harass and a neighbourhood, that represents the world at large, which is eagerly awaiting her disappearance.
What is this about? Karma? If yes, what happens after this birth? She has had no opportunity in this birth to do any good or bad. How will her next birth be? I'm told karma works in complex ways and her next birth will not be dictated merely by this one, nor is this one governed entirely by the last. Fair enough.
Now, how does it work? Lets say there are five siblings in a family. They come together due to a past birth during which they were connected and fond of one another. Now, how is it that each one of them was connected to the other in the same X past birth and all other actions and karma matched so brilliantly so as to propel them to be born in the same family in this birth. How is it that apart from their fondness for one another, they also accumulated like karma to be entitled to the same type of upbringing, parents, relatives, education, etc.?  How did their geographical karma - called naamkarma - match too?  
This is probably the most elementary illustration of my problem with karma. I can go on like this. Each time I get a new neighbour, I am to understand that my karma was entwined with hers. But why would it coincide with her landing in the same neighbourhood? How did she also collect the same karma that she needs to to be in that space? Ditto with every other situation.
I am told my arguments are too simplistic and, some tell me, naive. Maybe so. I have argued endlessly with karma believers to the most subtle point from where I come back unconvinced. There are so many things we dont understand about this world. In fact, we understand barely 1 per cent or so. The real world is not what is given to the naked eye or the dumb human brain.
To my simple mind, we are governed by the energies around us. Our thoughts are energies, our feelings are energies, our bodies radiate energy too. All the subtle levels of existence delineated in Hindu philosophy - the mind, ego, intellect, radiate energy. Our breath gives out and takes in energy. It is the vortex of this energy which circumscribes our experiences and defines our destiny. Negative bhaav creates a channel of negativity around us; positive thinking keeps our body healthy.But it isnt only our internal energies that affect us. We are greatly influenced by energies released by others-- positive and negative. That's why you feel sapped when you deal with a negative person.
There is this journalist I know who was extremely negative, not so much in her dealings with others but in her mind. She was extremely particular about being on everyone's right side and keeping everyone in good humour. Even though I was neutral about her because she did not matter to me, I could never understand why I felt so negative around her. I would feel compelled to crib about others when she was around. I would also have negative things happening to me when I was sitting near her. And strangely, I would feel this urge to be away from her as if to protect myself. I never understood any of this, until another friend who had virtually no interaction with her told me, vehemently and full of feeling, one day, "This sounds biased but she is so black. Black as in full of negativity. I feel repulsed and scared if she is around even though we never interact." Later, when I came to know how obsessed she was with me because of her inner frustration or whatever reason, I understood why I heard warning bells inside my head telling me to stay away from her.
Sometimes, a person may not be negative towards you but will suffuse the air with such negativity that you want to scream. It is possible to variegate the air around anybody you want with a little focus and the right mantras, which are nothing but sound energies. Tantriks work, and they work on this scientific principle- that energies can be changed, channelled and coloured. You cannot block negative energy coming your way the same way that you cannot stop positive energy coming your way.
The only thing we can do is to avoid the negative ones as much as possible and counter them with our inner energy with as much force as we can muster. All battles dont require a battlefield.